There is a new, huge, 4-part post in our S550 Project Build Thread which covers some of the last events we competed in with our 2018 GT plus the “deconstruction” of some of the raciest bits of that car while we turned it back into a more street friendly – yet track capable – car for sale.

This forum update covers the Optima @ NCM event we competed in back in June, with some decent results in the timed competitions but poor results overall due to “car show stuff”. That’s their game, their rules, just part of the fun. We did get some TV time, however.

A few “difficulties” at a TT event shortened that weekend for us, but one of our Tester’s cars got a “little crunchy”. We detail the repairs to this S550 chassis Mustang after that event, with a rapid turn around by the Vorshlag crew and the paint and body masters at Heritage Collision. We learned a good bit about S550 chassis and body repairs in this work, which we share in a 15 minute how-tow video, linked inside the forum build thread.

Last but not least we cover extensive parts installs, repair work, searching junk yards, and even the early part of the LS swap on our next shop Race Car build – our 2015 Mustang GT chassis called #Trigger. This car is a “bit polarizing” in the fact that we aren’t using a Ford engine, but remember: this was a nearly worthless wrecked chassis that had its Coyote V8 removed. We aren’t “ruining” anything, just saving a salvaged chassis from the scrap heap!

Rad about all of this and more in the latest round of forum build thread updates. Enjoy!