Did you know Vorshlag designs, builds and sells a lot more than just automotive suspension solutions? We’ve been building V8 swaps for over a decade, and now we’ve got parts for the BMW E46 chassis added to our catalog (see the current E46 parts here).

That’s right, we’re shipping production parts for our LS1 swap kit made for the BMW E46 chassis. The wait is over… Vorshlag has the fix for your BMW motor woes! The E46 LS1 swap announcement is detailed in this forum thread, linked here. If you like our LS1 swap projects, subscribe to that (it is also posted on corner-carvers, Bimmerforums, and SCCA Forums).
In that thread we also talk about many of the new E36 LS1 swap parts we’ve developed in the past 12 months, and what we have coming next for the E36, E46, and other chassis. We will update this thread whenever we have any new V8 swap parts.
Gentlemen… start your engines!
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