As you all know, I've been "looking" for a complete LS1 engine for the LS1 E36 project for over a year. Everyone that has complete LS1 engines for sale wants $2500-3000+, for a used engine that is far from a guaranteed good motor.

Several of you here have sent me links to LS1 short- and long-blocks for sale and these run from $750-2000+. I found a source locally for $1000 used, salvaged LS1 longblocks, but that option still has lots of uncertanties.
In the mean time I started acquiring all sorts of parts to build a complete LS1 mock-up engine. I have managed to get 1 good block, 1 bad block, 3 sets of exhaust manifols (useless), 1 junk LS1 intake, a set of good core heads, set of centerbolt LS1 valve covers (being delivered), front and rear covers (gotta go get the latter), 2 oil pans, a good starter, some head bolts, ECM, Z06 MAF, alum flywheel, a junk water pump, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Here's what I have so far:

I now have a line on a complete motor locally ('9
I found this week but it is missing most of the accessories and harnesses, and still $2500 (with ECM) or $3500 (with T56 trans). That's a lotta coin for a used engine, right? And I have a lot of what I need to build a complete engine. Here's what I lack, that I can see:
● LS6 or LS2 intake and TB
● Alternator and bracket
● P/S pump and bracket
● A/C comp and bracket
● Fuel rials + injectors
● LS2 water pump (shorter)
● Sensors and stuff
● Pulleys and balancer
● Longblock parts and assembly
That's all I need. Well, a wiring harness from Painless Wiring, too (Ft. Worth). I think I can have a longblock built for less than $2500, with non-stock crank/pistons/rods, and that would be new and better than stock... better build tolerances than GM ever had on these (slap happy pistons). Maybe even more than 347 cubic inches.
I am going to talk to Koenig at HPE to see what it would cost to get a longblock built, but in the mean time, the header fabricator wants to have as many external bits to bolt to the mock-up block as possible, to better fit everything. Alternator, p/s pump, a/c, valve covers... hell, I might as well finish what I started, right?

Several of you here have sent me links to LS1 short- and long-blocks for sale and these run from $750-2000+. I found a source locally for $1000 used, salvaged LS1 longblocks, but that option still has lots of uncertanties.
In the mean time I started acquiring all sorts of parts to build a complete LS1 mock-up engine. I have managed to get 1 good block, 1 bad block, 3 sets of exhaust manifols (useless), 1 junk LS1 intake, a set of good core heads, set of centerbolt LS1 valve covers (being delivered), front and rear covers (gotta go get the latter), 2 oil pans, a good starter, some head bolts, ECM, Z06 MAF, alum flywheel, a junk water pump, and a partridge in a pear tree.

I now have a line on a complete motor locally ('9

● LS6 or LS2 intake and TB
● Alternator and bracket
● P/S pump and bracket
● A/C comp and bracket
● Fuel rials + injectors
● LS2 water pump (shorter)
● Sensors and stuff
● Pulleys and balancer
● Longblock parts and assembly
That's all I need. Well, a wiring harness from Painless Wiring, too (Ft. Worth). I think I can have a longblock built for less than $2500, with non-stock crank/pistons/rods, and that would be new and better than stock... better build tolerances than GM ever had on these (slap happy pistons). Maybe even more than 347 cubic inches.
I am going to talk to Koenig at HPE to see what it would cost to get a longblock built, but in the mean time, the header fabricator wants to have as many external bits to bolt to the mock-up block as possible, to better fit everything. Alternator, p/s pump, a/c, valve covers... hell, I might as well finish what I started, right?