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2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

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  • 2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

    Here it is - the thread to discuss the ultimate TAMSCC aniversary date - the 42nd!

    Wish list for this event:
    • Friday: A Welcome Party
    • Saturday: Aggiecross event at TWS. With real classes and timers.
    • After the race: Another Party!
    • Sunday: Autocross at the Riverside Annex?

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Volunteers? Words of widsom?
    Terry Fair -
    2018 GT / S550 Dev + 2013 FR-S / 86 Dev + 2011 GT / S197 Dev + C4 Corvette Dev
    EVO X Dev + 2007 Z06 / C6 Dev + BMW E46 Dev + C5 Corvette Dev

  • #2
    Re: 2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

    I would suggest something other than an autox on Sunday as everyone will be exhausted after an Aggiecross all day. As well, to find old members, I would suggest finding old presidents first and get them on board to help. Back to Sunday, a late breakfast or a car show and hangout at a park leaves lots of socializing time and allows people to get on the road at a reasonable hour.

    Also, have Fair put together a video from all of the footage he has and set it to something other than the crappy music he usually uses!!!

    Last edited by turbotoddie; 04-09-2008, 11:51 PM.


    • #3
      Re: 2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

      Originally posted by turbotoddie
      Also, have Fair put together a video from all of the footage he has and set it to something other than the crappy music he usually uses!!! turbo
      Hey... whats wrong with Flock of Seagulls?


      • #4
        Re: 2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

        Originally posted by Fair!
        [*]Saturday: Aggiecross event at TWS. With real classes and timers.
        You should start looking to see if any of the clubs will rent you their transponder setups. I know that locally you can rent the transponder (AMB X260) for $25 a day. Outright purchase is $$$ (the GB I just completed was $349 after AMB raised their prices).

        Makes timing 1000000x easier and some double sided tape allows for quick changes between cars.
        Last edited by John in Houston; 04-10-2008, 07:07 AM.


        • #5
          Re: 2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

          I believe the speedway rents them for $850



          • #6
            Re: 2010: The TAMSCC 42nd Reunion and AGGIECROSS thread

            Maybe a rallye Friday night? A regular one. Lime Runs are fun and all but the regular rallyes are more challenging...and there's less chance you'll almost drive off an incline into the Brazos river while the guy in the back seat playing along on his GPS toy just watches his little screen.

            "Oh, my GPS just said "county line."" - Dean
            "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin

