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MotorSport Ranch - need more people for the TV show in November 2005

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  • MotorSport Ranch - need more people for the TV show in November 2005

    "Dear MotorSport Ranch members and friends:

    We are still needing about 15 more people to be in the television being
    filmed next month at MotorSport Ranch. For those of you not familiar
    with the pilot show that was filmed last year, check out

    MotorSport Ranch is going to be the focus of a new reality TV series
    that will begin airing early 2006 on the national network VOOM HD. We
    are currently looking for drivers to participate in the production,
    which is scheduled to begin filming next month.

    We will be featuring 3 drivers per episode. The driver profiles will
    include background information about the driver, car stats and history,
    and racing experience.
    We would also like to get a glimpse into your life away from the track.

    We are filming 13 one-hour episodes in total. The winners of the first
    12 episodes will participate in the grand finale of the 13th episode. We
    would require
    2 half-day shoot days at the track - one for race day and one for driver
    and car profiles. We would also need to schedule a couple of hours with
    you at your home and/or office to get some b-roll of you in your
    day-to-day life.

    Each episode will include 3 driver profiles, a qualifier race and the
    final race to decide who will continue on to the finale episode. We are
    hoping to complete our cast roster by the end October 2005

    If you are interested in participating in the show and you have not
    already let me know, please email Jack Farr at"

    So who wants to be famous??

  • #2
    Re: MotorSport Ranch - need more people for the TV show in November 2005

    Dean and I went and saw the pilot for this show at the Magnolia. I hope something like this can work, but I just don't see how this could appeal to the masses. Good luck to them though.

