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Stickers for Nationals

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  • #31
    Tick tock, fellers.... Ordering these flags tomorrow afternoon!

    2001 Jeep Wrangler
    2001 Dodge 2500 Cummins

    BMW E36 DIY's:
    Front LCA Bushing Swap
    E36 Custom Cat Back
    M3 Limited Slip Diff Repair
    Diff Swap


    • #32
      What happened to Texas flags?
      Brian Hanchey
      AST Suspension - USA


      • #33
        I have no problem putting some TX flags on my car, but given the right size, I'd prefer to have an American flag next to my name on the quarter windows.

        2001 Jeep Wrangler
        2001 Dodge 2500 Cummins

        BMW E36 DIY's:
        Front LCA Bushing Swap
        E36 Custom Cat Back
        M3 Limited Slip Diff Repair
        Diff Swap


        • #34
          You know, this whole sticker thing was supposed to come up with something that all of us could use that would show we are all together. Name and flag is all fine and good, but that is not unique. What can we do that is unique for us as a group?
          '11 Mustang GT / '95 Frankenpreza

          "A turbo: exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster."
          - Dr. Clarkson


          • #35
            I'm not doing the name/flag thing for that reason. I was assuming there would be a separate sticker of some sort to "associate" ourselves that would go onto the side of the car.

            2001 Jeep Wrangler
            2001 Dodge 2500 Cummins

            BMW E36 DIY's:
            Front LCA Bushing Swap
            E36 Custom Cat Back
            M3 Limited Slip Diff Repair
            Diff Swap


            • #36
              I thought the whole purpose of the Texas flags was to accociate ourselves with each other and show off the Texas contingent. I mean the American flag is very cool but will there actually be other competitors from other countries? I mean if we were all going to Mexico to compete, then it would be very representative of our group.

              Ken ran a huge American flag on the roof of his car in the Mini-Challege series but that look place in Europe! =


              • #37
                Granted I'm not going to nationals so my opinion means nada, but I think Jason is right. What's the point of parading an American flag around in front of a bunch of Americans at an autocross? The phrase "preaching to the choir" comes to mind. You need to be showing off your state, i.e. Texas. Get a Texas flag sticker! Classic BMW cars already have one on the back.
                Last edited by Redwood; 08-24-2005, 10:57 AM.
                -Sean Martin
                2009 Pontiac G8 GT


                • #38
                  Okay. So find some!
                  2001 Jeep Wrangler
                  2001 Dodge 2500 Cummins

                  BMW E36 DIY's:
                  Front LCA Bushing Swap
                  E36 Custom Cat Back
                  M3 Limited Slip Diff Repair
                  Diff Swap


                  • #39
                    On it like Donkey Kong!


                    • #40
                      Keep in mind they have to be small. The little "God Bless Texas" flag stickers are perfect and used to be available at tourist centers. I used to have a stack of them.... Cut the verbage off and it's the prefect size, i.e. about 2" tall.

                      2001 Jeep Wrangler
                      2001 Dodge 2500 Cummins

                      BMW E36 DIY's:
                      Front LCA Bushing Swap
                      E36 Custom Cat Back
                      M3 Limited Slip Diff Repair
                      Diff Swap


                      • #41
                        I'll get with Fair/Paul and see how far they have come with this. I can get out during the day and can chase this for us.


                        • #42
                          Teucci, will you have some MFE sticker or are we on our own?
                          Brian Hanchey
                          AST Suspension - USA


                          • #43
                            Went to Pro Tape ( -cars he has done/some familar ones) today in Carrollton, which is owned by old SCCA racer Larry Everitt. Paul, he did all the decals for the yellow/orange Cobb Subie car. Maybe ask your dealer buddy about him.

                            Pricing goes as follows:

                            Last names w/ Texas Flag (before the name): 1.5" tall white font x approx 16" - $10 each. Half the cost is the actual Texas flag as he has to build those from three colors. If we could source these already made, obviously these would be much cheaper.

                            Vorshlag Motorsports logo:

                            It's a 4 x 1 layout and for a 4' x 1' is $45 for one color. If we go with 2' x 1', it would be about half that amount. Do we want to do these on the hood or go much smaller and put them on the side, maybe rear quarters?

                            Fair, to save on set-up fees($35) for the Vorshlag logo, he needs the logo emailed to him in a "illustrate 8 .EPS format" and saved in an "outlined". He called this a vector file.

                            So, do we need to keep looking or is this pricing in line? I don't know what it's suppose to cost so I'm throwing it out here.

                            TAMSCC stickers? Can we get some in black for our silver cars from TAMSCC itself? Who do we contact?
                            Last edited by McCall; 08-25-2005, 07:15 PM.


                            • #44
                              I'll have Rich make my name stickers.

                              Flags are going to be me. I called up the Texas Tourism dept. and found out where I can buy those "God Bless Texas" stickers with the Texas flag on them. Trim the text and we're golden. I just plan on leaving about 4-5" of static on either end of my name so I can fit the flag. I can give them to y'all at dinner the Friday before Nats if you'd like.

                              They're 50 cents each. Let me know who wants some and how many.

                              And as much as I'd like to run a Vorshlag sticker, that's out of my budget. A pair of smaller ones for ~$10 would be okay, though. I'd even sport a TAMSCC sticker if we can get some...

                              2001 Jeep Wrangler
                              2001 Dodge 2500 Cummins

                              BMW E36 DIY's:
                              Front LCA Bushing Swap
                              E36 Custom Cat Back
                              M3 Limited Slip Diff Repair
                              Diff Swap


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tommy R
                                I'll have Rich make my name stickers.

                                Flags are going to be me. I called up the Texas Tourism dept. and found out where I can buy those "God Bless Texas" stickers with the Texas flag on them. Trim the text and we're golden. I just plan on leaving about 4-5" of static on either end of my name so I can fit the flag. I can give them to y'all at dinner the Friday before Nats if you'd like.

                                They're 50 cents each. Let me know who wants some and how many.

                                And as much as I'd like to run a Vorshlag sticker, that's out of my budget. A pair of smaller ones for ~$10 would be okay, though. I'd even sport a TAMSCC sticker if we can get some...

                                $.50 Texas flags? The right size? D*** get 10 of them then! Woo!

                                As for Voshlag stickers, heck, I'll pay for them. Let me find a better deal on those... $40 is crack money. They don't need to be 4 feet long. I'll probably make some smaller ones (for quarter windows) and maybe some bigger ones for Nationals only. I am working on the set-up of these...
                                Terry Fair -
                                2018 GT / S550 Dev + 2013 FR-S / 86 Dev + 2011 GT / S197 Dev + C4 Corvette Dev
                                EVO X Dev + 2007 Z06 / C6 Dev + BMW E46 Dev + C5 Corvette Dev

