Eastwood is now selling a "Garage Air Line Kit" that utilizes Nylon 1/2" tubing (for 150 psi use), push-lock connections, wall mountable aluminum manifolds and the associated fittings. Price isn't terrible, and with the cost increases in copper and steel pipe its probably a lot cheaper.
http://www.eastwoodco.com/jump.jsp?i...emType=PRODUCT = $170 currently

Hanchey just sent me the link above and we're thinking about installing this. We use compressed air air for various things, from 80 to 125psi, but its usually at a fairly low volumes (air tools). We just ordered two kits so I'll post up pictures and thoughts after we install them.
http://www.eastwoodco.com/jump.jsp?i...emType=PRODUCT = $170 currently

This is a complete compressed air distribution system that is designed to easily install beneath walls of new construction, or on wall surfaces of existing workshops. ...
The true display of ease and reliability of the system is the instant fittings. All fittings work by simply pushing the tubing firmly into the fitting to seal. If removing the tubing is desired, push in evenly on release button and pull tubing out of fitting. Most system users find they can install their system in just hours.
The true display of ease and reliability of the system is the instant fittings. All fittings work by simply pushing the tubing firmly into the fitting to seal. If removing the tubing is desired, push in evenly on release button and pull tubing out of fitting. Most system users find they can install their system in just hours.