Well, another morning of going out to find my window busted out. This time on my Talon, the ****ers (excuse my language) also busted out both the windows on my roommates 93 Talon and stole his radar detector. These punks must be somewhere in the neighborhood and apparently all they are after is radar detectors. They stole my V1 in March, and this time my roommates Passport 8500 X50.
Only damage to my car was the broken window, they smashed it out, leaned in, went through the center console and my glove box but didn't take anything. Gauges, Safc in the visor, and stereo in the car (I did have the face place in the house) but my roommates car, he has his afc in plain site under his stereo which did not have the face plate out. Also he had a tool box, timing gun, cd's and other small stuff in the car that they didn't touch.
I feel bad, at least I have full coverage and only had 1 window busted. Roommate has liability only and had both windows busted...this is coming outta his pocket
The assholes are looking around our house though, my car was parked in front and the roommates in back in the driveway. I think I need to set up some cameras or something around the house 
Anyway....sorry just needed to rant, and also figured this was a good place to post up about the roommates radar detector. If you guys happen to see someone trying to sell a Passport 8500 x50 in blue, please let me know.
Only damage to my car was the broken window, they smashed it out, leaned in, went through the center console and my glove box but didn't take anything. Gauges, Safc in the visor, and stereo in the car (I did have the face place in the house) but my roommates car, he has his afc in plain site under his stereo which did not have the face plate out. Also he had a tool box, timing gun, cd's and other small stuff in the car that they didn't touch.
I feel bad, at least I have full coverage and only had 1 window busted. Roommate has liability only and had both windows busted...this is coming outta his pocket

Anyway....sorry just needed to rant, and also figured this was a good place to post up about the roommates radar detector. If you guys happen to see someone trying to sell a Passport 8500 x50 in blue, please let me know.