Thanks to all of the input you guys gave GoDog to help me do the brake job on my E46 323Ci. For some reason, I was always intimidated by brakes, but now I feel stupid for thinking that way. It wasn't difficult at all.
I don't switch out race tires (yet), but I do switch between snow tires and summer tires. The studs make a small but very important difference.
Now I'm starting to do all the maintenance on my car and I'm coming up on the 100,000 mile service. From what I've read in other forums, the post-cat O2 sensors can be a beeyatch. Any advice or guidance? I'm planning on buying an O2 socket with a built in crow's foot to hopefully reduce some problems with work space limitations. Also, when I replace the spark plugs, should I replace the 3 inch connector wire that goes between each coil and plug? These are kinda like old fashioned spark plug wires that you would change at each tuneup so it makes sense. Thanks for any input.
The next thing you know, I might be volunteering my car to be the guineau pig for the Vorshlag LS1 E46 engine swap. But I guess you have to finish the E36 one first...

Now I'm starting to do all the maintenance on my car and I'm coming up on the 100,000 mile service. From what I've read in other forums, the post-cat O2 sensors can be a beeyatch. Any advice or guidance? I'm planning on buying an O2 socket with a built in crow's foot to hopefully reduce some problems with work space limitations. Also, when I replace the spark plugs, should I replace the 3 inch connector wire that goes between each coil and plug? These are kinda like old fashioned spark plug wires that you would change at each tuneup so it makes sense. Thanks for any input.
The next thing you know, I might be volunteering my car to be the guineau pig for the Vorshlag LS1 E46 engine swap. But I guess you have to finish the E36 one first...
