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April 13, 2007

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  • #2
    Re: April 13, 2007

    Red-light fines to go to police, firefighters

    Ha! This made me laugh - " He said many police officers view the new policy as yet another thing they have to worry about."

    Yeah, like speed limits and stop signs. Just like the rest of us...
    Last edited by McCall; 04-13-2007, 07:28 PM.


    • #3
      Re: April 13, 2007

      Originally posted by McCall
      Red-light fines to go to police, firefighters

      Ha! This made me laugh - " He said many police officers view the new policy as yet another thing they have to worry about."

      Yeah, like speed limits and stop signs. Just like the rest of us...
      OK, gotta speak up here. There are times that we violate traffic laws when we are not "technically" allowed to run code.

      Your little sister's a-hole husband gets drunk and starts beating the crap out of her. She calls the police. I can't run code to that call, but you still want me to get there as fast as I can, right? You think I'm gonna blow that red light if there isn't any traffic coming? Yep. If I have to worry about getting a ticket for it? Your sis is just gonna have to wait.

      I'm not saying that there aren't cops out there driving like clowns just because they can, but don't punish all the good cops out there trying to do a good job because of the relatively few bad ones.

      BTW, when I'm just patrolling I usually drive well below the speed limit. It is too hard to look for violations at speed.


      • #4
        Re: April 13, 2007

        I think red light cameras are B.S. to begin with an cops definitely should not be ticketed by them. That's just plain retarded.
        -Sean Martin
        2009 Pontiac G8 GT


        • #5
          Re: April 13, 2007

          Originally posted by jatoth
          I'm not saying that there aren't cops out there driving like clowns just because they can, but don't punish all the good cops out there trying to do a good job because of the relatively few bad ones.
          Jason please don't take my comment as a personal jab. All of us have witnessed these "bad apple" cops who seem to think the rules of the road don't apply to them. I'm sure a vast majority of officers do follow the rules but of course the bad ones get all the attention by us motorists.

          If this new law effects officers who are responding to a call, then it's cr4p. Of course isn't it the police departments who put these cameras up in the first place?


          • #6
            Re: April 13, 2007

            Originally posted by McCall
            If this new law effects officers who are responding to a call, then it's cr4p. Of course isn't it the police departments who put these cameras up in the first place?
            All of my information on how this will be enforced has been third hand and conjecture. As I understand it, the officer can have the ticket dismissed if they can show that they were on an "emergency call." I have not heard what kinds of calls qualify, or who will get to decide that. In addition, I have been told that a supervisor will have to decide on a case by case basis (I have heard rumors that it could be the officer's seargent or Internal Affairs)

            Understand that in police work, we are held to a different standard than citizen's. When under an IA investigation, you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent. I can tell you from experience, that's not a fun place to be, even when you know you're right.

            The police department has nothing to do with the installation or enforcement of red light cameras. The city decides where to put them, and the camara operator/contractor oversees enforcement and collection of fines. In return, the city gets a cut of the revenues.

            I agree with Redwood. I don't like them, and if I personally got one, I would take it to court.

            I know that nothing said on this board is a direct jab at me, I just like to offer an insider's viewpoint when I get the opportunity.
            Last edited by jatoth; 04-17-2007, 12:39 PM.

