Vorshlag LLC provides this online forum for discussion of racing events local to our Dallas area, car and set-up discussions, Redwood's Car News, and select other topics. Vorshlag admins include Terry Fair, the owner. This forum is first and foremost for us and our customers to share ideas about set-ups, products, car tech, and answer questions.
The forum has been a great place to share pictures and tech on our various project cars, the LS1 kit, and other topics. It has grown in size as Vorshlag has, and we've seen as many as 1200+ people on the forum at a single time and 400K+ visitors every month.
If we see a post that we deem inappropriate, you will be asked to remove it or we will remove it for you. Some threads or even entire sub-sections of the forum may be removed if we see them as completely off-topic or counter-productive to the company.
As always, posting offensive and/or inappropriate language, pictures or avatars is not allowed. This is as deemed by the owners of Vorshlag Motorsports LLC.
Thems the rules!
The forum has been a great place to share pictures and tech on our various project cars, the LS1 kit, and other topics. It has grown in size as Vorshlag has, and we've seen as many as 1200+ people on the forum at a single time and 400K+ visitors every month.
If we see a post that we deem inappropriate, you will be asked to remove it or we will remove it for you. Some threads or even entire sub-sections of the forum may be removed if we see them as completely off-topic or counter-productive to the company.
As always, posting offensive and/or inappropriate language, pictures or avatars is not allowed. This is as deemed by the owners of Vorshlag Motorsports LLC.
Thems the rules!
