We need some graphic design help. Earlier this year we updated our logo from this to that...
old and busted (circa 2006):

new hotness (circa 2010):

On the logo design... some of you don't like it, but most people do. Its all over our website, biz cards, die-cut graphics, picture watermarks, etc.

The upper graphic was from around 2006 and it was based on a layout I had made in 2002. So the guy who does our die cut vinyl made the new logo for us this year, and we have a high quality JPEG of this. But we need a vector graphic version of this file (in 1-color and 2-color) to use for new T-Shirts, embroidered merchandise & crew gear, engraving for CNC'd parts, and to send to customers who want to make their own Vorshlag graphics in colors that match their livery/from their vinyl suppliers.
So what we need is someone that can convert the .JPG into an .EPS file or two. We'd even be willing to pay for your services, if necessary. E-mail me at sales (at) vorshlag (dot) com and we can get the ball rolling, then I can send you the high rez JPG.
old and busted (circa 2006):

new hotness (circa 2010):

On the logo design... some of you don't like it, but most people do. Its all over our website, biz cards, die-cut graphics, picture watermarks, etc.

The upper graphic was from around 2006 and it was based on a layout I had made in 2002. So the guy who does our die cut vinyl made the new logo for us this year, and we have a high quality JPEG of this. But we need a vector graphic version of this file (in 1-color and 2-color) to use for new T-Shirts, embroidered merchandise & crew gear, engraving for CNC'd parts, and to send to customers who want to make their own Vorshlag graphics in colors that match their livery/from their vinyl suppliers.
So what we need is someone that can convert the .JPG into an .EPS file or two. We'd even be willing to pay for your services, if necessary. E-mail me at sales (at) vorshlag (dot) com and we can get the ball rolling, then I can send you the high rez JPG.