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	Comments on: Vorshlag 330 Mods and Track Debut	</title>
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	<description>BMW, Mitsubishi, Subaru Racing Events, Tech Talk, Parts Specials and more!</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Fri, 12 Feb 2016 01:57:29 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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		By: Jason Covington		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Jason Covington]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Fri, 12 Feb 2016 01:57:29 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.vorshlag.com/blog/?p=1016#comment-287364</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Love the blog on the E46 330 Terry!!!  Good stuff and good tips!

I wanted to make a suggestion, but understand this is like a novice making suggestions to a pro....but...

You wrote about going to aftermarket sway bars, and I just wanted to caution you about that.  After going with the AST suspension and springs you hooked me up with on my E46 M3, I tried going with a Hotchkis sway bar.  Even on its softest setting, it was HORRIBLE!  I tried to compensate with adjusting the shocks, but no matter what it was &quot;twitchy&quot; as hell!  I described it as &quot;Trying to ride an elephant that is running in high heels.&quot; LOL! Add to this the extra points you have to take for it, and I would highly recommend you go with much stiffer springs before going down the sway bar route.

Like I said, I KNOW you have a lot more experience on these things than me, but just thought I would offer my two cents on this.  

Again, thanks for the great read - Give my best to Amy and Jason and hope you are all doing great!  Jason]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Love the blog on the E46 330 Terry!!!  Good stuff and good tips!</p>
<p>I wanted to make a suggestion, but understand this is like a novice making suggestions to a pro&#8230;.but&#8230;</p>
<p>You wrote about going to aftermarket sway bars, and I just wanted to caution you about that.  After going with the AST suspension and springs you hooked me up with on my E46 M3, I tried going with a Hotchkis sway bar.  Even on its softest setting, it was HORRIBLE!  I tried to compensate with adjusting the shocks, but no matter what it was &#8220;twitchy&#8221; as hell!  I described it as &#8220;Trying to ride an elephant that is running in high heels.&#8221; LOL! Add to this the extra points you have to take for it, and I would highly recommend you go with much stiffer springs before going down the sway bar route.</p>
<p>Like I said, I KNOW you have a lot more experience on these things than me, but just thought I would offer my two cents on this.  </p>
<p>Again, thanks for the great read &#8211; Give my best to Amy and Jason and hope you are all doing great!  Jason</p>